Penumbra — Featured Indie Game
A widely regarded first-person puzzle game developed and published solo.
My game “Penumbra” acquired over 4.5 million hits online, won second place in the 2019 “Finally Finish Something” game jam and received community support through the production of 128 playthrough videos including ones published by two of the largest gaming channels on YouTube—Jacksepticeye and Markiplier.
Video games have been a passion of mine since I was seven and since then I have gone on to make countless games, constantly learning and improving my skills which culminated in the success of my most recent project, “Penumbra”.
Techniques and Gameplay
The game utilizes 3D skyboxes, shader-based portaling, optimized shaders, mobile-ready textures, realtime lighting, and textless tutorials. Textless tutorials enable players from around the world to enjoy my game. These include users from countries such as the USA, China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Russia, Iran, the Phillipines, and Slovakia.
“Penumbra” was developed in Unity3D with a focus on speed and optimization. It was released for Windows, MacOS and Linux. My game took over a year to develop and was featured on popular indie game website
News Coverage
The game was also covered in various online news outlets including Japanese site JJ Labo, TuraTura, and Free Game Planet.